d'DG (or d-DG for URI safe) — a digital garden that sprouted on March 26th, 2024. The name is a simple abbreviation: debarchito’s Digital Garden.

I’m Debarchito Nath (also known online as Andew). I’m a computer science student who loves math a bit too much. I’ve been writing stories, poems, and other literary works for a fairly long time, but I’ve kept them to myself for the most part. But, its about time, I change that. Through d'DG, I plan to slowly but steadily share my creations with the world as well as create a unique digital place for myself. My socials (non-exhaustive):

Some of the things you can find here:

  • Evergreen Shelf is a collection of my literary works.
  • Night Garden is an open diary sharing perspectives, fostering exploration, contemplation and introspection.
  • The Andew Labs is my nerdy blog. You can expect anything science and tech here (to be published soon).